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    To contribute to the flourishing of life in the world

    i take care of the living within me

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    It's a process of individual and collective emancipation aimed at ethically collaborating in life's evolutionary play.


    The approach we propose encourages individuals and communities to develop increased autonomy and healthy interdependence, fostering profound personal and societal transformation.

  • My Desire for Life

    For a human being, speaking of life is first and foremost about speaking of the desire for life... Some key questions arise.


    What fundamental needs does my deep nature urge me to fulfill?


    How are my emotions regulated when these needs struggle to be met?


    What explanations of the world can I identify to guide the direction of my journey?


    What integral approaches can I adopt so that my being aligns with the whole?

  • Dimensions of the Approach

    Bringing answers to my consciousness is an essential step in unfolding my human potential.


    What actions will I implement, and how will I feel their benefits?


    Which part of me will be touched by joy, serenity, or desire?


    What can I conceive to establish trust and take my place in the world?


    What beliefs and ethics will carry me beyond myself?

  • Sources of the Teaching

    A methodology at the crossroads of several approaches.

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    Positive Psychology

    Towards optimal experience

    Starting from what is present—my past successes, the abilities developed along the way, and the awareness of my natural talents.

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    Towards resource balance

    Refocusing on my core motivations, addressing challenges, regulating internal mechanisms, and expressing my uniqueness.

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    Solution Focus

    Towards the next small steps

    Building on what motivates me, observing what brings me closer to or farther from my goals, and deliberately choosing how to act in connection with what unlocks creative energies.

  • Deeper Sources

    Inspiration drawn from the convergence of several currents.

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    Eternal Philosophy

    Socrate, Spinoza, Schopenhauer...

    The extent of our potential depends on what we consider possible or desirable. Wisdom comes from accepting the capabilities that define us as human beings and choosing to let them flourish freely.

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    Vedic Thought

    Patanjali, Shankaracharya, Gyaneshwar...

    Our true nature manifests when we stop separating ourselves from the nature that gave us life. We can feel within us the presence of the energy that is the origin of all life and let ourselves be carried by its spontaneous momentum.

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    Integral Theory

    Beck, Gebser, Graves, Wilber...

    The stages of collective human consciousness evolution align with the neural development of our species. Each stage transcends the limits and integrates the qualities of the preceding ones.

  • Let’s Talk

    Over a table or during a small walk.

  • The Guides

    Experiences of life and integrated knowledge.

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    Benoit de Bellefroid

    Depth & Dynamism

    I am passionate about the work a person or organization does to evolve toward their best version, as a gateway to a state where everything becomes easier, richer, and more joyful.


    My deep-rooted beliefs drive me to advocate for a world where social relationships are governed by acuity, compassion, and humility.


    Depth, relevance, subtlety, and dynamism are the four pillars of my interventions.

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    Shaina Pietersz

    Lorem & Ipsum

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque volutpat nulla in faucibus venenatis. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient.


    Donec maximus diam velit, non semper metus posuere eget. Aliquam ipsum ipsum.


    Nulla pretium, sapien vitae vehicula mollis, diam ipsum varius libero, eget tincidunt diam orci eu augue.


  • The Proposed Journey

    Giving ourselves the time and means to let a new individual and collective Being emerge.


    Nine months, one day per month, within the same working group.


    A clear desire to explore one's shadows, integrate, and transcend them.


    First, genuine availability; then, an energetic and financial contribution to maintain system balance.


    A qualitative leap to a new state of being, through the experience of an integral and evolving life practice.